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Writer's pictureRoger Chung, PE

ASCE OC President's Column: FY 2024 Accomplishments

Dear ASCE Orange County Branch Members,

As my term as President of the ASCE Orange County Branch ends, I want to take a moment to reflect on what an incredible journey this has been. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve in this role. I am truly grateful for our members, board, and volunteers' unwavering support, collaboration, and dedication this past year. Together, we've accomplished so much:

Innovative Technical Programs: We hosted several high-quality technical luncheons and workshops, allowing our members to stay at the cutting edge of industry trends. We are now back to all in-person events that allowed us to connect face-to-face. We fostered knowledge sharing and professional development that keeps our community at the forefront of civil engineering.

Advancing Sustainability and Resilience: This year, we championed sustainability initiatives, holding discussions on green infrastructure, water resources, and resilient urban planning. Our focus on sustainable development has positioned us to contribute meaningfully to the long-term well-being of our communities and the environment.

Community Engagement and Volunteerism: We rallied our members for community service projects, supporting local infrastructure improvements and volunteering for causes that reflect our commitment to public welfare. Our members made a tangible difference by lending their expertise to help make our region safer and stronger.

None of this would have been possible without the hard work and enthusiasm of our dedicated Executive Board, committees, volunteers, sponsors, and members. Each of you has played a crucial role in making these accomplishments a reality, and I deeply appreciate your efforts.

While my time as President is ending, I am excited for this Branch's continued progress and future achievements. Our incoming leadership team is full of energy and vision, and I have no doubt that they will continue to build upon this year's successes.

Thank you all for your trust, support, and collaboration. It has been an extraordinary year, and I look forward to remaining an active part of our community as we continue to elevate the civil engineering profession together.

With deep gratitude and best wishes,

Roger Chung, PE, CFM, ENV SP, QSD/P, F.ASCE

ASCE Orange County Branch President


About the Author:

Roger Chung is a Senior Project Manager at BKF Engineers. Roger has served on the Executive Board of the EWRI Orange County Chapter for the past 19 years. Roger can be contacted at

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