Welcome to the American Society of Civil Engineers! We are happy you joined us in ASCE's Orange County Branch. Remember there are 101 ways to benefit from your membership with ASCE. Become involved, educate yourself on an engineering topic outside of your expertise, and build relationships with others in the industry - to name a few.
Learn More About Your Membership Here: https://www.asce.org/membership
Please contact a Board Member if you have questions or a committee chairperson to become involved.
Welcome New Members:
June 2023
Baibhav Das, S.M.ASCE
Gerardo De Santos, A.M.ASCE
Jonathan Mendez Santos, S.M.ASCE
Gerardo Perez, CPEng, M.ASCE
July 2023
Jakob Sheehan, Aff.M.ASCE
Chris Shyy, P.E., M.ASCE
About the Author:
The Membership Committee recruit and retain ASCE Orange County members by offering professional development resources. They're responsible for keeping track of new members, identify the needs of current members, and recommend the development of events/programs for the overall membership. For more information, please contact membership@asceoc.org.