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ASCE OC Construction Institute: CI Student Days 2024

Updated: Sep 29

Students had the opportunity to tour and learn about the 6th Street Viaduct project in Los Angeles, California.

CI Student Days 2024 took place in sunny Costa Mesa, CA from Thursday, July 12th, to Tuesday, July 16th. It was an eventful weekend full of activities and fun challenges for the students and professionals alike! The Student Days Competition, created by the Construction Institute (CI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers, brings top engineering students nationwide to develop a bid package for a real-world construction project and present it to construction industry professionals. This year's real-world project was the 6th Street Viaduct in Los Angeles, CA. In addition to creating a bid package, students were exposed to many other beneficial activities, including site tours, technical sessions and presentations, resume workshops, and a speed networking event with company recruiters.

This year, several amazing members volunteered and participated in the Student Days Competition. Esmeralda Aguirre, Chair of ASCE OC's Construction Institute, and Jochelle Tiotuico, a civil engineering student at California State University, Long Beach, volunteered on Thursday, July 11th, for Program Set-Up Day. They assisted the CI Student Days committee with activity preparations, supply organization, and goodie-bag assembly.

Program Set-Up Day Volunteers Esmeralda and Jochelle

On Friday, July 12th, Shahbaz Khan, a civil engineering student at California State University, Long Beach, Sam Potts, President of the ASCE Los Angeles Younger Member Forum, and Esmeralda Aguirre volunteered for Team Building Activity Day. They assisted with setting up and facilitating various activities that represented everyday construction challenges, like safety, schedule, budget, and project team coordination.

Team Building Activity Day with our amazing volunteers!

Students working together to solve one of the many construction activity challenges.

Students developing a budget for the materials needed to complete their construction project.

The Speed Networking Event took place on Saturday, July 13th. Esmeralda Aguirre, Chair of the ASCE OC's Construction Institute and Jacobs' Project Engineer, participated in reviewing student resumes and discussing Jacobs' career opportunities. Students had the opportunity to engage with over 20 engineering firms and learn more about the construction industry and the careers available.

Esmeralda representing Jacobs at the Speed Networking Event.

Congratulations to Katerina Lachinova, CI Director, the entire committee for a successful event, and our volunteers for representing our local chapters! Stay tuned for more information about the 2025 CI Student Days in Chicago, Illinois!


About the Author:

Esmeralda Aguirre is the ASCE OC Construction Institute Chair and a project engineer at Jacobs in their program and construction management division. She enjoys traveling with her husband, Victor, spending time with her two godsons, Ivan and Benjamin, and playing with her cat, Louie! Esmeralda can be reached via LinkedIn.

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