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31st Annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition

The Annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition (PSBC) is an engineering competition event for local high school students. It is hosted by ASCE's Orange County and Los Angeles Younger Member Forums, alternating every two years.


The event brings together hundreds of local high school students to participate in a full-day competition to celebrate the engineering profession and highlight their achievements. The competition is a great opportunity to emphasize the benefits of pursuing higher education and careers in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) while promoting the engineering profession in our community.

Prior to the event day, participating high school teams will prepare technical reports, display boards, presentations, and of course – build their Popsicle stick bridges! The rules and specifications for bridge design change each year so it is critical that the teams read through and follow all instructions. On the day of the event, these students (and their bridges) will be put to the test! Volunteers from the civil engineering profession and local college campuses will serve as judges testing the bridges; scoring technical papers, display boards, and presentations; hosting an impromptu competition; and giving tours.


With hard work and great support, this event continues to grow each year. Our event was recognized with the 2010 Los Angeles Council of Engineers and Scientists' Harry Staubs Memorial Award for Community Service, and the event has been previously featured in the LA Times, Channel 4 NBC, Channel 35, and local university media.

PSBC 2025.png
Apr 19, 2025, 8:00 AM
CSU Long Beach
The ASCE CSULB Popsicle Strick Bridge Competition is back for its 31st year hosted by Orange County YMF at California State University, Long Beach. Join in on the fun and be a sponsor!


PSBC Committee Co-Chairs

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