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Tyler Hodges


Welcome to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Orange County Younger Member Forum (OC YMF)! My name is Tyler Hodges and I am thrilled to be your ASCE Orange County Younger Member Forum President for the 2023-2024 year. 

It is a privilege to work alongside a group of individuals who firmly believe in the power of collaboration, camaraderie, and continuous learning to grow the legacy of OC YMF. I am joined on the YMF Executive Board with: Past President Gaby Gonzalez with the City of Anaheim, President-Elect Marionne Lapitan with Jacobs, Treasurer Nathaniel Kapongo with LADOT, and Celeste Chan with Kimley-Horn.

As we kick off the year, we would like to highlight some key goals and aspirations for the year ahead. This year we aim to provide more opportunities for skill development and technical growth through workshops, seminars, and networking events. Teamwork and collaboration have been essential to our organization, which is why we are implementing new ideas and updating our communication methods to provide our board members resources to make this happen. We are continuing our engagement with local university chapters through outreach and mentorship, as well as hosting various community service events and K-12 outreach events. 

Whether you are a returning member or new to OC YMF, you are welcome to attend the events and expand your network. We hope to see you at our various events as well as our monthly board meetings that are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. If you’d like to get involved or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! We look forward to meeting you!

Tyler Hodges

© 2024 | ASCE Orange County Younger Member Forum

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